The summer school has designed three modules: genetics and epigenetics, cell and developmental biology, and evolution and computational biology. Thirty-four internationally renowned scholars, active in these cutting-edge academic fields and possessing rich teaching experience, have been invited. The courses are conducted entirely in English, facilitating deep understanding of these research areas. The summer school provides an opportunity for face-to-face interaction with world-renowned scientists, igniting the curiosity of young students. It also organizes student seminars, class activities, and cultural experiences, where outstanding students from domestic and foreign institutions gather together to personally experience the wonders of life science research and make connections with exceptional peers who will be colleagues in their future academic careers.
After screening, 282 students have been admitted to this international summer school. The students come from 87 domestic and foreign universities and research institutes, including 11 foreign students, 22 students from foreign universities, and 78% of the students are graduate students, with 6% being postdoctoral fellows.
These students come from 87 domestic and foreign universities and research institutes. Foreign universities include Oxford University, Imperial College London, University of Glasgow, and University of Manchester in the UK; Northeastern University and University of California, San Diego in the United States; Freie Universität Berlin in Germany; Karolinska Institute in Sweden; Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland; University of Malaya in Malaysia; University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ghana, etc., providing students with a diverse and cross-cultural learning environment.
Students Feedback
DELIMINI RUPERT KANTUNYE (University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ghana):
The Fudan international Summer School was well organized and the speakers were global experts in their respective fields of research. I particularly enjoyed module one. Nonetheless, I believe my knowledge on computational biology and evolution was enhanced in module two. The participants were very friendly especially class five monitor Jiacheng Wang. This program was very impactful and I would not hesitate to attend future programs. Good job to the school of life sciences professors and management .
张雷教授在介绍基于 Hippo 通路,发现的多肽类 YAP 抑制剂治疗癌症的新方法时,课上他给我们看了有癌症患者联系他询问治疗方法的信件,令我非常震撼。这让我深切的感受到,科研工作者身上肩负的责任和使命。张雷教授谈到会更加注重研究成果的转化上,利用有限的资源,做出更好的研究回报社会,展现了他作为一名科研工作者的社会责任与担当,这一点令我非常钦佩与欣赏。因而,我也希望能够通过自己的努力与勤奋,做出能够哪怕非常微小的可以造福人类的科研成果得以实现自己的价值并回馈社会。
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